1. Murphy Boyden Real Estate is committed to complying with its obligations under the Privacy Act, 1988 and the Associated National Privacy Principles ("the NPPs"). APPLICATION OF THE NPPs TO THIS REAL ESTATE AGENCY 2. This real estate agency is bound by the NPPs due to the fact that it derives a benefit, service or advantage by the collection or disclosure of information and opinions about individuals whose identity is apparent or can be ascertained.
5. The type of personal information held by this real estate agency includes the following:
6. This real estate agency holds information referred to above for the primary purpose of enabling it to conduct the services that it provides to its customers, vendors, purchasers, owners and tenants and to enable it to market the provision of those services. In particular:
8. If any individual wishes to make a complaint about this real estate agency's activities with respect to privacy and the NPPs or obtain more information about the way in which this agency manages personal information it holds, the individual should make immediate contact with this real estate agency's designated Privacy Officer, Colleen Brabazon. That Privacy Officer and the senior management of this real estate agency can be contacted by the following:
9. Pursuant to the NPPs, persons are entitled to obtain access to personal information held by this real estate agency with respect to that individual. Subject to the relevant exemptions contained in the NPPs and subject to an individual providing sufficient proof of his or her identity, this real estate agency will provide access to information that it holds relating to an individual. This real estate agency will charge a fee in most instances for the provision of this information based on the administrative cost of supplying the information requested. Further details as to these costs can be obtained by contacting the real estate agency Privacy Officer.
15. Should any person wish to obtain further information with respect to the type of personal information this real estate agency holds, the purposes for which this real estate agency uses that information and/or the way in which this real estate agency manages that information, that person should not hesitate to contact this real estate agency's Privacy Officer at the contact details set out above.
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